Block Catalog
Flumrock Cauldron
A Flumrock Cauldron filled with at least one Kryslum (bucket) can store:
- 12 kryslum buckets
- 12 Crux
- 12 Quazarith Pieces
It can be used for upgrading tools and armor to their Quazarith counterpart

Kryslum Enriched Soil
Kryslum Enriched Soil acts just like farmland but it has a few major advantages:
- It doesn’t need water to stay like farmland.
- Boosted crop Growth by a factor of 2,33..
- It can act as water for normal farmland even in the nether.

Quazarith Ore
- Uniform distribution between -192 and -256
- Only exposed to air
- Used for upgrading tools and armor
